Department of Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in collaboration with International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)- Indonesia and International Association of Muslim Psychologists (IAMP) presents:
The 3rd International Intensive Course on Islamic Psychology (IICIP)
October 2nd-31st, 2021 (every Saturday and Sunday)
A few international agendas that are relevant to strengthen Islamic Psychology has been implemented in the last few years at the Psychology Department of UII . This year we invite you to one of the annual Islamic Psychology virtual event in 2021. Experience an intensive learning with the best of Islamic Psychology educators and researchers from all around the world.
▪️DR. Sus Budiharto (UII & Vice Chairman of Islamic Psychology Association, Indonesia)
▪️ Prof. Dr. Hamid Zarkasyi (Darussalam Gontor University, Indonesia)
▪️Dr. Fuad Nashori (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
▪️Hanan Dover ( ISRAA/ Charles Sturt University, Sydney, Australia & Vice President of IAMP)
▪️Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khalily
(International Islamic University, Islamabad)
▪️Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Mastor (University Kebangsaan, Malaysia)
▪️Dr. Phil. Emi Zulaifah (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
▪️DR. Bagus Riyono (Gadjah Mada University & President of IAMP)
▪️Prof. Dr. Olga Pavlova (Moscow State University of Psychology and Pedagogy & President of Association of Psychological Assistant for Muslims- Russia)
▪️Prof . Dr. Salih Yucel (Charles Sturt University, Sydney)
▪️Prof. Dr. Suleyman Derin (Marmara University, Turkey).
▪️Prof. Dr. Rahmatullah Khan (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia)
▪️DR. Haniza Raiz (International Islamic University, Malaysia)
▪️Sumedi P. Nugraha, Ph.D (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
▪️Dr. Sonny Andrianto (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
▪️Digging into the reality of happiness and unhappiness within muslim communities: Mental health in muslim communities
▪️Islamic Worldview and Happiness: What Islam can offer to build a happy life?
▪️Our Ibada as tools for Tazkiya: self processing for happiness
▪️Building values and attitude for happiness
▪️Happiness issue in various context: Education, Family, Work Organization
▪️Redefining life: Hayyatun Thoyiba
▪️Other topics as listed on the schedule.
This program will be conducted virtually via Zoom Meetings for limited seat. You can choose one package from two kind of participation below:
Participants can engage in online short course for ten days, start from October 2nd to October 31st. There will be ten classes, held every Saturday and Sunday, from 09.00 AM to 12.00 PM (WIB/ Western Indonesian Time), with one session for each day.
?Registration fee : IDR – Rp 500.000,-
Participants only register for one session in a one day schedule.
?Registration fee : IDR – Rp 50.000,- /day
?30% discount available for undergraduate and master degree
? Registration is closed on October 1st, 2021
The committee may close registration earlier if the seat is full before the date.
Schedule and registration form available in :
For more inquiries: (WhatsApp message only), or
[email protected] (committee representative)
Updates on our official Instagram: @iicip2021
Department of Psychology UII website: